Car Gods Tar Dissolver

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Tar Dissolver from Car Gods


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Persues – Tar Dissolver from Car Gods removes the tough, ingrained tar stains that stubbornly stick to your car all year round. This formula eliminates tar stains without problems and leaves a clean, protective surface, ready for the next step in your reconditioning.

Volume: 0.5 liter spray bottle.

Instructions for use:

1. Make sure that all surfaces have been thoroughly cleaned and dried before application.
2. Shake the bottle well and turn the spray nozzle to “on”.
3. Apply sparingly on tar stains, fuel spills and heavy stains around the lower parts of the vehicle.
4. Let the product work for 5 minutes to dissolve tar stains and other dirt.
5. Treat hard stains with a microfiber cloth or brush if needed.
6. Wipe off excess with a soft cloth.
7. Rinse the vehicle thoroughly.
8. Turn the spray nozzle to “off” for storage.

NOTE! Do not use in direct sunlight or when surfaces are hot. First test on a non-conspicuous area to check the paint. Do not apply the product on clear plastic or rubber seals. Do not allow Perseus to dry on any surface. Store the spray bottle in an upright position and secure during transport.

Sold individually.

Additional information

Weight0.5 kg


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