KL Racing AB
521 39 Falköping


0515-124 40


Öppettider telefon (övrig tid är det kontakt via mail till kund@houseofmotorsport.com som är enklast):

Customer service

If you have any questions or for more information, please feel free to contact us at:

LMR Invest AB
Dubbgatan 8 (Trestad Center)
462 73, Vänersborg
Org nr: 556995-9538
VAT no: SE556995953801

Telephone: (+46)322 – 64 41 44

Opening hours telephone (other hours it’s contact via email kund@HouseofMotorsport.com which is easiest) :

Monday – Friday: 10.00 – 14.00 (lunch between 12.00 – 13.00)

We are also on social media, Instagram (@House_of_Motorsport) and Facebook (@HouseofMotorsportcom)!

Always have your order number ready to get faster help.

Do you have questions about stock balance, delivery times, order status or other questions?

Email to kund@HouseofMotorsport.com

Do you have questions about invoices and finances?

Email to ekonomi@houseofmotorsport.com

Having questions about Klarna?

Call to (+46)8-120 120 00

Store opening hours:

From 1 February 2016, the service shop is closed and pick-up of goods is by appointment. We are therefore not open for drop-ins.
In other words, you can still choose to collect goods in store, but when your order is ready for collection, we will contact you to agree on a suitable time.

    Contact us

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